How do you sit in a kilt?

How do you sit in a kilt

Kilts can be confusing at first, but this guide will help you correctly sit in a kilt!

Firstly, wrap the Kilt around your body, with the pleats to the back. The Kilt should sit around your waist, and the aprons should overlap in the front; the Kilt should drop to knee height.

Here are two methods to sit properly :

Method 1 :

Approach your seat.

Please walk up to where you’re going to sit, whether it’s a dining room chair, a stool, or a car. Your back is facing the chair so that the backs of your legs touch the chair (they can also be a couple of inches away).

Smooth your pleats.

Using both hands, smooth the pleats of your Kilt against your body. They should lie flat against your body so that you sit on your pleats.

If you do not sit on your pleats, they will become wrinkled.

Sit down.

Once you’ve smoothed out your Kilt, you should feel free to sit down. Ensure you’re sitting on your Kilt, not directly on the chair.

Method 2 :

Position your legs.

You have a couple of options for positioning your legs. You can spread your legs (and tuck your sporran and Kilt between them). You can also cross your calves or legs, but this may not be as comfortable.

Use your sporran to your advantage if you spread your legs.

Press down on the front part of the Kilt and your sporran. It allows the Kilt to fall between your legs.

Be aware of your surroundings.

Every few minutes, check that you’re still sitting on your Kilt. You should also ensure that you are not exposing yourself because of the positioning of your Kilt. Even if it feels unnatural, it will become second nature with time!

When wearing a kilt without underwear, it is vitally important that you learn to sit in your Kilt without losing your dignity.

  • That is, always ensure that you smooth the pleats of the Kilt beneath you as you sit down and keep your knees together while sitting.
  • The weight of sporran ensures that the apron of the Kilt is always between your legs when sitting knees apart.
  • Doing so will always retain your dignity and avoid embarrassment to yourself or others.


Wear a kilt pin. It provides some extra weight to pull the edge of the Kilt down. It does not go through both layers of the Kilt, only the top layer.


Sitting down in a kilt can be challenging because you do not want to damage the pleats of the Kilt. In addition, many people do not wear underwear beneath their kilts, so you also do not want to expose yourself to someone who might be sitting across from you.


Kilts for Sale you should buy this for men – Scottish Kilt and Welsh kilts – available online at a cheap rate.


Where should the bottom of a kilt sit?

The Kilt should be comfortable to wear. The top can sit anywhere best suited for you, but no higher than the ribcage and lower than your hips. If measured correctly, your Kilt should fit across your middle snugly, with the bottom of the tartan laying at the top of your knee bone.

Can you wear a kilt in public?

There is a perception that you can wear a kilt only on formal occasions. But actually, you can wear a kilt on any occasion, formal or informal. You can wear it wherever you want to.

What is the purpose of a kilt?

Kilts have deep cultural and historical roots in Scotland. They’re a time-honored symbol of patriotism and carefully stored between wearing’s. The word ‘kilt’ derives from the ancient Norse word, Kilt, meaning ‘pleated,’ and refers to clothing tucked up and around the body.

Do clans still exist in Scotland?

Today, Scottish clans are celebrated worldwide, with many descendants pilgrimage to Scotland to discover their roots and ancestral home. Lord Lyon records the clan’s names, tartans, and crests for official recognition.

Where should the bottom of a kilt sit?

The Kilt should be comfortable to wear. The top can sit anywhere best suited for you, but no higher than the ribcage and lower than your hips. If measured correctly, your Kilt should fit across your middle snugly, with the bottom of the tartan laying at the top of your knee bone.