What does a Scotsman wear under his kilt?

What Does Scott Manwear under kilts

Scots who voted for independence in the 2014 referendum are significantly more likely to forego underwear when donning a kilt.

Matthew Smith, a data journalist at the survey firm, said: “Those who support Scottish independence are a hardier sort and are more likely to wear nothing underneath their kilts.

“The youngest and the oldest Scots are less likely to wear nothing under their kilts – 20/21% compared to 44-46% aged between 25 and 64.

“Those Scottish gentlemen wearing kilts will be pleased to hear that Scottish women are big fans.

“As many as 91% of Scottish women say that men wearing kilts is an attractive look (67% of Scottish men agree). They are also in rough agreement with men on what should be worn underneath a kilt – 40% of women think nothing should be worn, while another 40% say underwear (the remainder are mostly don’t knows).”

Overall, two-thirds (67%) of male Scottish adults say they have worn a kilt, rising to three-quarters (74%) for those born in Scotland. Of those who have worn a kilt, just over half (55%) say they tend to wear underwear under their kilts, while 38% go commando. A further 7% wear shorts, tights or something else

The primary reason is that wearing a kilt without underwear is unbelievably comfortable.

The sense of freedom you experience could not be more natural, especially when you compare it to the restraints of trousers (pants).

Most Scottish never wear a kilt with the underwear beneath as it would be unthinkable.

So how did this much-talked-about tradition become so popular amongst Scottish Highlanders?

It started with the Scottish Highland Regiments and found its way into the civilian population.

Where the terms “going regimental” or “going commando” originated and are shrouded in history. It is undoubtedly true that Highlanders, hundreds of years ago, did not need undergarments.

It is documented that Highland clan members removed their kilts before going into battle, their long tunic/shirt no doubt covering their modesty.

In modern language, not wearing anything below the Kilt is often referred to as going “Commando” or “Regimental” both terms have their roots in military tradition.

Traditionally Scottish Regiments did not wear anything below the Kilt. When on the parade ground, a soldier would randomly ask to stand at ease so that the drill instructor, who carried a long stick with a mirror on its end, could verify that he was correctly dressed.

  • When wearing a kilt without underwear, it is vitally important that you learn to sit in your Kilt without losing your dignity.
  • That is, always ensure that you smooth the pleats of the Kilt beneath you as you sit down and keep your knees together while sitting.
  • While sitting with your knees apart, the weight of the sporran ensures the Kilt’s apron is always between your legs.
  • Doing so will always retain your dignity and avoid embarrassment to yourself or others.

Wearing underwear at the Highland Games is an excellent example, where the athletes will put shorts on under their kilts. Also, Scottish and Irish country dancers are required to do so when in competition.

In certain countries, it is considered inappropriate not to wear anything underneath; these laws are respected customs.


Kilts for Sale you should buy this for men – Scottish Kilt and Welsh kilts – available online at a cheap rate.


What does a Scotsman wear under his Kilt?

It comes down to personal preference. If you feel comfortable “going regimental,” then go for it. If not, there is no shame in wearing underwear, and it won’t make you less Scottish. In certain countries, it is considered inappropriate not to wear anything underneath; these laws are respected customs. However, one thing to remember is that if you don’t own a kilt, we would always recommend wearing underwear under a hired kilt.


Does a true Scotsman wear anything under his Kilt?

Traditionally, men would not wear underwear while wearing a kilt – and many still don’t. The no underwear traditions started with the Scottish Highland Regiments and found their way into the civilian population.

How did this much-talked-about tradition become so popular amongst Scottish Highlanders?

It started with the Scottish Highland Regiments and found its way into the civilian population.